Water Cycle

1 02 2010

The water cycle is the ongoing process in which water moves from the ground, into the atmosphere, and then back to earth’s surface.  We’re used to seeing the water cycle like this, composed of three basic steps:  evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

Simple Water Cycle

However, the actual water cycle is quite a bit more complicated and actually looks something like this:

Complex Water Cycle

You can learn more about the water cycle here.

Rock Cycle

1 02 2010

The Rock Cycle is the never ending process by which rocks are continually being made and destroyed. . .it is not a bicycle made of rocks (sorry).  There are three basic rock types; igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.  Sedimentary rocks are formed when bits and pieces of sediment (pieces of other rocks that have been worn down by weathering and erosion) get concreted together, ineous rocks are formed when rocks are melted and coll back down again, and metamorphic rocks are formed when either igneous or sedimentary rocks are warped or bent by heat and pressure.

Here’s some examples of our three types of rock:

Sedimentary Rock

Igneous Rock

Metamorphic Rock

Fun suggestion:  find a 4th or 5th grader in my science club and ask them how their metamorphic rocks tasted!